
You are back. Back to where you were born, where you took your first step, where you grew up, where you got acquainted with the people. Where you used to play with your friends. Where your memories rest. But it's all gone. None of it is the same. It's lost. Lost with the war. Lost like the  lives of thousands of people. Lost like all the happiness linked with the place. 

Do you remember all the days spent here. Do you remember playing in the evenings with your friends. Do you remember the constant banter over the silliest of things. Do you remember the fights over who gets to bat next. Do you  remember the school you went to. Do you remember the boring hours listening to your teacher drone on and on. Do you remember the fun nights. Do you remember the summers you spent. Do you remember the stages you went through. Do you remember the good times and the bad times. Do you remember that shop at the corner which sold sweets. Do you remember it like it was just yesterday? 

But why would you recall any of this. It won't matter to you. 

It won't bother you that the roads, once busy with traffic, are left empty, barren. The potholes more noticeable due to the after effects of war. It won't bother you that the  smell of sand  you used to love when it rained, is now mingled with the blood of innocent people. It won't bother you when you see the rivers dried up. It won't bother you when you see the dead vegetation. It won't bother you when you set foot in your old house. It won't bother you when you see the look of it. It won't bother you that it is now completely deserted. It won't bother you that it is a wreck. It won't bother you that the once white paint is black with the smoke. It won't bother you when you step on something and realize it was your favourite toy as a kid. None of it will bother you.

Because you moved away long before this started. You fled. You now have a much better life in some other country than the one you had here. Just like when the next version of a game came out and you forgot the old one, you forgot your life at home. Just like you outgrew your favourite sweater, you outgrew your home. 
You live a happy life at another place now. 
This is just a ghost of  past. 

Those last seconds.

"I'm sorry. He won't make it.", A deep voice woke me up from unconsciousness.

"Doctor i think he just moved a little. We shouldn't talk about this here.", A female voice mumbled nervously. 

"It's just your conscience, Ushna. He's unconscious. We can talk here. Here, take a seat." 

I was listening to this very normally. I was trying to get back into my senses. Who was the lady? I obviously knew the male voice was a doctor. Who am i? What am i doing in a hospital? It wasn't amnesia. But it was a sideeffect of heavy anasthesia i guess.  I decided to proceed listening.

"He was .. He was vomiting. The waste included blood. I just went to visit him today and .. He was in a vegetative state in a corner. Bleeding from the corner of his mouth. I'm just so.. confused and-.."

"Wait a minute there, young lady.", the doctor interrupted.

"You said you visited him? And the form doesn't say anything about who you are. Will you please explain or do you want me to call the cops?"

"NO! Please no cops. I saw him in the cafe the other day and he asked me out. We just went out on dates twice or thrice. I was actually going to dump him tonight."

And Baam. It hit me. Everything came back. She looked cute and i asked her out the other day. The bitch forgot to mention how she stole from my wallet. Meh. 

"Young lady are you aware he has no one in his family and since you brought him here you'll have to pay for everything.", The doctor said and cleaned his throat a little just after speaking.

"Urmm.", Ushna said in a shaky voice. "How much will it take to get him fixed?"

"Ha. Fixed.", The doctor chuckled. "Maa'm are you by any chance a medical student?" 

"Urmm. No." 

"Very well then. I'll make it simple. He won't make it. He's lucky if he makes it to tommorow. And since he has no siblings or family or anyone. YOU will have to run to the police. YOU will have to do everything. In short terms and don't get offended when i say this. You're pretty much screwed." 

This was getting way out of hand. I was scared as shit. The words "WONT MAKE IT" were revolving my head. I was freaking out. But i had to keep it in.  I sneaked a little from my left eye and saw that they werent looking at me. I could now both look at them and hear them. 

After a few minutes of silence, Ushna (being the slut she was) sat on the doctors lap and spoke in an arousing voice. "Doctor. Get me out of this and i promise you, you'll have the time of your life."

The lord knows how disgusted i was after watching that. The doctor pushed her softly and away from his lap. 

"Let's talk business here. You scratch my back i scratch yours. After his death, you'd have to spend atleast 3 lakh rupees. And don't even get me started on the trouble that the cops will get you. How much do you have on you?", The doctor finished his sentence and put a cigar in his mouth. 

"Urgh. I should have known. But.. I have some 75k on me. I swear to God i don't have a penny more. Just get me out of here.", Ushna mumbled nervously. 

"Very well then. Now listen to me. You leave this place this instant. Try as hard as you can that no one sees you. I want the 75k transferred in my bank account in 12 hours. I have your information so don't try to be a smartass.", The doctor finished his sentence with a cigar in his hand. 

"Okay. It's a deal. But what will you do with him? He will wake up in a while. What if he asks you."

"He won't. Heavy anasthesia. I'll make sure he doesn't even wake up before his death. Now get your ass out of here before anyone sees you.", The doctor said while smoking the cigar.

Ushna left in a hurry slamming the door. I closed my eyes. In a few mins the doctor left as well. It was then just me. Amazing how a few hours ago i didn't know i was about to die. And now i did. I could've informed the media. I had my phone with me. The media is always looking for news. But then i thought to myself. Why? Would it make a difference? Would it stop such ushnas and doctors to evolve? Most importantly would it make me live? No. It would only create problems for both of the assholes that just planned my death. Well, not technically planned but you know what i mean. I kept thinking about it and in a few minutes i could see the light fade away. I could sense my eyes were open. But the image was disappearing. I knew it was ending. I could've cursed alot to God. But i believe my last words were..

"Thanks for everything, Big guy. Alhamdullilah."

Harry Potter, peasants.

Today, I have been on facebook pages, tumblr etc reading about Harry Potter. [again.]  Looking at all the posts. [again.]  Getting the 'feels.' [again.]  Going 'asdfghjkl.' [again.]

See, people think I don't like Harry Potter, as in the books/movies, but the guy Danielle Radcliffe. Well atleast thats what mother dear thought. But they are wrong. Bwoy, they are wrong.

Now, If you have no interest whatsoever in this specific topic, SWERVE! [At times I wish I could forget my morals and just swear! It would look so cool with this word. Tsk!]

Now, I shalt admit that I have not always liked Harry Potter. I have hated it. [without watching it or reading it. YEAH KILL ME.] I am not proud of past me.
Now the obsession started one fine night.. 


We were all out buying CDs and I couldn't find anything that I would like to watch that night. Then my eyes landed on Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone. Now I could have averted my eyes and left the store, resulting in no Harry Potter obsession or I could buy the CD and discover a new era. I chose the latter, obviously or why else would I be writing this looong post at 4:30 am, you nincompoop! ]

So, back to the story, I bought the CD, went  home, played it and VOILA! Obsessed!

Now I don't know why, but I thought Minerva McGonnagal was evil. I mean, SHE BLOODY TURNED FROM A CAT INTO A WOMAN. And the crooked hat, old wrinkly face, black attire, you get me? Well, I was wrong. 

Anyway,I couldnt watch it all, just the part where Ron decides to sacrifice himself so Harry can go ahead. That is because it was 2 in the morning and I had to sleep. [Yes, I wasn't like I am right now.]
But then I finished the movie.
And out came the books. 
Well, long story short, I. WAS. HOOKED! I WAS INFATUATED WITH IT!
Harry potter reference here and there! Casting spells to myself in the mirror. Tweets/ statuses about it. Duels with fellow potterhead friends. Accounts on pottermore. You name it!

I think I'll make a separate post on that..yes yes. I shalt do that.
As I can't reveal more, as I am saving it for the coming posts, the posts shalt come to an abrupt stop. 

So here is a post. On my Harry Potter obsession. There will be several posts on this topic. Beware, peasants.
Gosh, I am having so many more ideas for things to write on this topic but I should really stop. Too long and it will get boring. [not that it already isn't.]
Anyway, hope thou enjoyed the post. [Pliss, do.] 
Awwlrighty then. 
This is an old picture.